Tata Power-DDL and India Smart Grid Forum Launch Innovative Vehicle-to-Grid Project


5/21/20242 min read

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL) has announced a groundbreaking collaboration with the India Smart Grid Forum to initiate the 'Vehicle-to-Grid Technology Demonstration Project.' This ambitious pilot aims to explore the transformative potential of electric vehicles (EVs) in enhancing grid services and contributing to a more sustainable energy ecosystem.

The initiative is set to investigate several key areas:

Grid Services Enhancement: EVs will be tested for their ability to provide critical grid services such as frequency and voltage support. This could significantly stabilize the grid during fluctuations.

Backup Power Source: The project will assess the viability of EVs as emergency power sources during outages, enhancing energy security.

Bi-Directional Charging: A core focus will be on bi-directional charging, where EVs not only draw power from the grid but can also feed stored electricity back into it. This capability is particularly beneficial during peak demand periods.

Market Participation: The feasibility of EVs participating in the power market by storing electricity when prices are low and selling it back during peak hours will be a major area of study. This could offer cost benefits to EV owners and reduce overall grid strain.

Green Charging: The project will explore the potential of charging EVs using renewable energy sources, aligning with global sustainability goals.

Strategic Significance:

Gajanan S. Kale, CEO of Tata Power-DDL, highlighted the project's alignment with the company’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions. “This initiative holds immense potential to revolutionize grid management and seamlessly integrate EVs, fostering a future-ready power grid,” Kale stated.

Reji Kumar Pillai, President of the India Smart Grid Forum, emphasized the project's dual focus on technical and commercial viability. “By demonstrating the capabilities of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, we pave the way for a more sustainable and efficient future,” he remarked.

Collaborative Efforts:

The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission, Central Electricity Authority, and Tata Motors are involved as observers, ensuring comprehensive oversight and industry alignment. The University of Delaware, USA, renowned for its expertise in V2G technology, serves as the technical partner for this demonstration project.

Future Prospects:

Pillai also noted the importance of stakeholder alignment for the success of the project. “We aim to launch V2G-compliant EVs in India soon and are working towards establishing supportive regulations,” he said.

This initiative promises to showcase the fundamentals of how EVs can interact with the grid, reduce carbon emissions in both transportation and energy sectors, and promote a cleaner, more resilient energy future.

For further updates on this transformative project and its progress, stay tuned to our website.

By integrating EVs into the power grid in such innovative ways, Tata Power-DDL and the India Smart Grid Forum are setting the stage for a sustainable energy revolution in India.